Birding Travel Itinerary in Gansu

Morgen Mo
624 Words/3 Minutes, By Morgen Mo, Updated January 29, 2023

Where to do the birding

Gansu province offers a variety of birding opportunities for bird-watchers. Some popular birding spots include:

The Hongyuan grasslands, which are home to a wide variety of bird species such as the Black-necked Crane, the Bar-headed Goose, and the Great Bustard.

The Jiuquan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. bird sanctuary, which is known for its large population of birds such as the Demoiselle Crane, the Black-faced Spoonbill, and the Oriental Stork.

The Yellow River delta, which is home to many waterfowl such as the White-naped Crane, the Bean Goose, and the Hooded Crane.

The Yadan National Geopark, which is a great spot for birding, with a variety of bird species such as the Desert Sparrow, the Desert Finch, and the Black-tailed Gull.

The Labrang Monastery, which is a great spot for birding and offers a chance to see birds such as the Black-necked Crane, the Bar-headed Goose and the Great Bustard.

It's recommended to plan your trip in spring and fall when most of the migratory birds are present in Gansu. Also, it's important to note that a local guide who knows the area and the birds well can greatly enhance your birding experience.

When is the best time to do a birding tour

The best time for a birding tour in Gansu would depend on the specific bird species you are hoping to see. However, generally speaking, the best time for birding in Gansu is from late April to early June, and from late August to early October. These are the times when many migratory bird species pass through the area, making for great bird-watching opportunities. During this time, you may get to see species such as the Black-necked Crane, the Demoiselle Crane, the White-naped Crane, the Great Bustard, and the Black-tailed Godwit.

7-day birding itinerary for Gansu

Day 1: Arrive in Lanzhou and visit the Lanzhou Botanical Garden. This garden is home to a variety of bird species, including the Black-faced Spoonbill, White-tailed Eagle and the Chinese Grey Shrike.

Day 2: Drive to the Labrang Monastery and take a guided birding tour of the surrounding grasslands and wetlands. Look for species such as the Pallas's Sandgrouse, Black-necked Crane and the Demoiselle Crane.

Day 3: Visit the Heihe National Nature Reserve, which is a wetland area known for its birdlife. Look for species such as the Pied Harrier, Great Bittern, and the Oriental Stork.

Day 4: Drive to the Xiahe, a small town in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Take a guided birding tour of the surrounding alpine meadows and forests, where you can find species such as the Himalayan Monal, Blood Pheasant and the Golden Eagle.

Day 5: Visit the Gannan Grassland and take a guided birding tour of the surrounding grasslands and wetlands. Look for species such as the Mongolian Lark, Ruddy Shelduck, and the Eastern Marsh Harrier.

Day 6: Drive back to Lanzhou and visit the Bingling Temple Grottoes. Take a guided birding tour of the surrounding cliffs and gorges, where you can find species such as the Black Vulture, Golden Eagle, and the Lammergeier.

Day 7: Return to Lanzhou and depart.

Please note that this is a sample itinerary and may not be suitable for all travelers. Please keep in mind that weather, bird migration, and government restrictions can change this itinerary. It's always best to check the latest information before traveling.

Morgen Mo

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