Mutianyu Great Wall

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Guide

Grace Wang
1791 Words/7 Minutes, By Grace Wang, Updated July 29, 2024
  • Chinese name: 慕田峪/mù tián yù
  • Open hours: 08:30 - 17:00 (Weekend closing time is 17:30)
  • Ticketing: Ticket sales stop at 16:00 from Monday to Friday and at 16:30 from Saturday to Sunday
  • Entrace fee: CNY45
  • Cable car/Chair lifts: CNY100 for one way, CNY140 for round trip; CNY100 for toboggan down, CNY120 for cable car/Chair lifts up and toboggan down
  • Tour time: 2 - 4 hours

Epidemic Alert: The Mutianyu Great Wall has been closed since May 16, 2022, so please call(010-61626022) to confirm whether it is open before you leave.

Brief Introduction

Mutianyu Great Wall, located in Huairou District, Beijing, is an important part of the Great Wall of China and is praised as the "most unique section of the Great Wall." It is considered the essence of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall, characterized by its grandeur, beauty, and steepness. The history of Mutianyu Great Wall can be traced back to the Northern Qi period, but it was primarily rebuilt by General Xu Da under the command of Zhu Yuanzhang on the site of the Northern Qi Great Wall, and has a history of over 600 years. This section of the Great Wall became an ancient military defense fortress not only because of its strategic location but also due to its well-preserved and exquisite design, showcasing the superb military architecture of the Ming Dynasty. The construction of Mutianyu Great Wall reflects the outstanding achievements and wisdom of ancient Chinese architecture and serves as an important witness to China's ancient political, military, economic, and cultural history. In 1987, Mutianyu Great Wall was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO, and in 2006 it was declared a national key cultural relic protection unit, further affirming its significant position in world cultural heritage. Stretching 5,400 meters long, Mutianyu Great Wall attracts countless visitors with its steep terrain and rich historical and cultural connotations, making it a tourist destination that blends history and nature.

Why Mutianyu Great Wall

There are 8 main sections of Great Wall(Badaling, Juyongguan, Huanghuacheng, Jiankou, Mutianyu, Gubeikou, Jinshanling and Simatai, etc.) in Beijing are pretty famous and we inclusively recommend Mutianyu section for most normal travelers. 

  • 1. Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.
  • 2. Less comercial but more original than Badaling.
  • 3. More trees, better vegetation, better air, and more vibrant colors in all seasons.
  • 4. Ranked first in tripadvisor's list of the best attractions in Beijing, the Mutianyu Great Wall is far more satisfying than other sections of Great Wall.
  • 5. It is easy to get around and you can see the best parts in 0.5-1 day; there are also good accommodations and restaurants to eat.

Highlights of the Mutianyu Great Wall

The Mutianyu Great Wall is renowned for its rich cultural significance and stunning natural scenery, featuring several notable highlights, including:

Zhengguantai: Located at the lowest pass on the ridge, it consists of three interconnected watchtowers, a rare architectural design and one of the iconic features of the Mutianyu Great Wall.

Dajiaolou: Situated at the highest point east of Zhengguantai, it appears like a corner of a city wall from any angle, hence the name "Big Corner Tower."

Tower 15: Known for being a filming location for the movie "If You Are the One," this tower offers an excellent viewing platform to overlook the entire Mutianyu Great Wall from top to bottom.

Tower 18: Historically the western boundary of the Mutianyu Pass jurisdiction, it contains a boundary marker inside.

Tower 20: The highest point of the Mutianyu Great Wall, from where you can enjoy panoramic views of the magnificent landscape.

Double-Sided Battlements: The Mutianyu Great Wall features double-sided battlements, designed and built by General Qi Jiguang, with significant historical importance due to its inner and outer city design.

Unique Zhengguantai Construction: Built with three watchtowers side by side, it is exceptionally strong and the only one of its kind in the history of the Great Wall's construction in China.

The Mutianyu Great Wall attracts numerous visitors not only for its unique architectural style and rich historical and cultural background but also for its distinct charm throughout the seasons. In spring, you can enjoy the blooming flowers; in summer, the lush green trees; in autumn, the beautiful maple leaves; and in winter, the enchanting snowy landscape.

Mutianyu Great Wall Routes

West Route: Suitable for families with children. Scenic and relatively flat, perfect for walking. Start from Tower 14, walk to Tower 20, and then return the same way.

East Route: Ideal for hiking enthusiasts. Enter from the South Ticket Gate and take the cable car up the mountain. From Beacon Tower 6, head east to enjoy the spectacular view of the Big Corner Tower 1.

Central Route: Perfect for those who want to experience both the cable car and the toboggan. Take the cable car from the entrance to the high point, walk along the Great Wall, and then take the toboggan down.

Mutianyu Great Wall attracts many visitors not only for its unique architectural style and rich historical background but also for its seasonal beauty, making it a great place to relax and tour the Great Wall. In spring, you can enjoy the blooming flowers, in summer, the lush greenery, in autumn, the beautiful maple leaves, and in winter, the snowy landscape.Things to do

Ways to explore Mutianyu Great Wall

Taking the Cable Car

The Mutianyu Great Wall Cable Car is a convenient way to access the wall. The 550-meter-long passenger chairlift can take visitors directly to the higher parts of the Great Wall, saving a lot of physical effort. The cable car brings visitors to the essential parts of Mutianyu Great Wall, including Mutianyu Pass, the watchtower, and the Great Corner Tower.

Taking the Toboggan

The Mutianyu Toboggan is a 1580-meter-long stainless steel track, also known as the "dryland sled." It offers visitors a new recreational and sports experience, combining fun and excitement. Visitors can feel the thrill of speeding down or gliding gently, being quickly transported to the foot of the Great Wall.

Hiking Exploration

For those who enjoy hiking, exploring the Great Wall on foot is an option. Mutianyu Great Wall offers different hiking routes, including the west line, east line, and middle line, each with its unique scenery and challenges. For example, the west line is considered the most scenic route, leading to the highest point, the Hero Slope; the east line focuses on reaching the main pass and experiencing the toboggan; the middle line provides a dual experience of both the cable car and the toboggan.

Mutianyu great wall tour itinerary:

1 day itinerary

  • 8:00 AM - Start the day by taking a bus or private vehicle from Beijing to the Mutianyu Great Wall.
  • 9:30 AM - Arrive at the Mutianyu Great Wall and purchase tickets.
  • 10:00 AM - Take the cable car to the top of the wall for panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • 11:00 AM - Start exploring the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall on foot. Hike along the well-preserved sections and take in the stunning views from the watchtowers.
  • 12:30 PM - Stop for a picnic lunch or visit a nearby restaurant.
  • 1:30 PM - Continue exploring the Mutianyu Great Wall, hiking to different sections and taking in the views.
  • 3:00 PM - Take the cable car back down to the entrance of the Mutianyu Great Wall.
  • 4:00 PM - Return to Beijing by bus or private vehicle.

2 days itinerary

Day 1: Arrive at Mutianyu Great Wall in the morning. Hike from the east entrance to the west entrance, taking breaks at various watchtowers along the way to admire the views and learn about the history of the wall. Stop for a picnic lunch at one of the scenic spots along the way. In the late afternoon, take a cable car down from the west entrance for a different perspective of the wall. Have dinner at a local restaurant.

Day 2: Start the day by taking a scenic chairlift to the top of the Mutianyu Great Wall. Hike from the east to west entrance, taking different routes and exploring the different sections of the wall. Stop at the Mutianyu Great Wall Museum to learn more about the history and significance of the wall. Have lunch at a local restaurant. In the late afternoon, take the toboggan ride down from the west entrance for a fun and scenic way to end the day. Drive back to your hotel or the airport.

The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall lies in the Huairou District of Beijing, 73 kilometers from the city center. With an average height of of 535 meters, Mutianyu Great Wall is 2,250 meters long. Originally built in the Northern Qi Dynasty and repaired during the Ming Dynasty, the Mutianyu section is one of the best-preserved parts of the Great Wall. Its construction is the largest in terms of scale and the best quality among all sections of Great Wall. In 1987, it was listed as one of the “16 Most Beautiful Tourists Sites of New Beijing”. In 1992, it was ranked as one of the “World’s Best of Beijing Tour”. And in 2002, it was ranked “AAAA scenic spot”.

The Mutianyu section is accessible by cable car. The distinct style of the Mutianyu Great Wall is due to the heavy (96%) forest cover and perilous passes that surround it, and thus it has closely packed watchtowers. The major watchtowers are connected by one general gateway, which is quite rare in the whole Great Wall.

There’s a village at the foot of the Mutianyu Great Wall, called Mutianyu Village. This and the village of Shelburne Falls of Massachusetts State are sister villages. Accommodation and entertainment there are satisfactory. You can also enjoy different kinds of fish there, such as rainbow trout and sturgeon from Huairou County.

Grace Wang

Hi, I’m Grace Wang, if you like my article, please share it with your friends. Any sugguestions on this article, please contact me. Thanks!

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